It’s the month of April and we are experiencing heat waves like the month of May and June, not only that according to the research This year i.e. 2024 will be going to the hottest summer season since date.
In this rapid growing era, we are neglecting the environment for our benefits. We are forgetting that We are from nature and if there is no nature, survival of living beings will be very difficult.
1.The sun’s heat makes India poor.
It sounds so weird to hear, but according to the facts even today 75% of India’s population that is 3 out of 4 people do physical labour related work. Most of them are engaged in farming, constructing buildings, selling vegetables, pulling Rikshaw, setting up a stall on the roadside and so on. All these physical activities are mostly done in the afternoon when the sun heat is on his top. These 75 % of the population who are engaged in physical related labours contribute 1/3rd of GDP in India. Other 25% population who are engaged in other works face heat only while travelling.
Due to Heat the productivity drops by 5-10%. Because of these heat waves we are easily dehydrated, we get tired so easily and we feel so lazy. You and I both are privileged.
A report by McKinsey says that about 20 crore people in India could get affected by the Heat waves. The figures say that by 2030, the impact of productivity on GDP will be between 2.5% and 4.5 %, that is $126 billion every year.
Our Central government spends 2 % of total money on education in India. If our government takes some actions to limit these heat waves that money can be used in the education sector for better education facilities in India.
Our government is introduced with these environment issues but they are not doing anything for that as the environment is not a vote bank for them.
According to research our country will be the developed nation by 2047 but by neglecting the climate we can’t survive.
2.Climate change is a reality.

Sonam Wangchuk sir has been protesting for two months telling everyone about the climate change and how we are ruining our environment. Instead of addressing his demands our government is sanctioning protest by imposing section 144.
3.The climate is totally unbiased.
India is the 3rd most Vulnerable country in the world and because of climate change India will be the 3rd most impacted country.
No matter what you are and who you are, nature will not forgive anyone.
People think that AC reduces temperature, but the harsh reality is that AC increases the temperature of the Earth.
The International Energy Association (IEA) published their World energy Report 2023, about the use of AC. According to that
INDIA- 24 out of 100 houses in India use AC.
USA- 85 out of 100 houses uses AC in their country.
CHINA- In China every house in Urban Areas uses AC.
All these contribute a lot in climate change.AC is a short-term solution but in the long run it has so many drawbacks that we are facing right now and if you don’t do anything for it, the environment which will be created by us will not allow us to live peacefully.

Have you ever spent some time inside the Sauna (hot room), in a room where there is no ventilation you start sweating.
Heat waves form when a high-pressure situation is created in the Arid’s atmosphere. Due to high pressure in the upper atmosphere, winds get trapped towards the ground. And the Heat that the ground reflects, gets trapped in the area. Winds can’t come in this high-pressure area. This scenario you can relate with a pressure cooker.
Heat waves are not a season, it is a condition. Heat waves are declared only when the temperature goes above a particular limit.
Our country stands at the position of 126 in 146 countries in the Happiness index.
As we are accepting Western culture and xeroxing their Western infrastructure, Heat waves are rapidly increasing.
For instance- In Mumbai many buildings are made up of Glass materials which reflects the sun Heat to the ground and people of Mumbai experience double heat Waves.
In India mainly there are 3 seasons i.e. Summer, winter and monsoon. But in Mumbai they have only two seasons i.e. Summer and Hot summer.
According to the Study modern buildings experience 5 to 7 °C more temperature as compared to old buildings.
We have talked about the heat waves and the causes of heat waves now let’s talk about some solutions which we can use to get rid from Heat waves.
Avoiding Western Ideas- If we are really concerned about our country and environment we need to think twice before accepting the western ideas especially in the infrastructure sector. We need to avoid constructing buildings using glass materials which cause more heat. Instead of making buildings like New York we can opt for the infrastructure of Singapore where they make vertical gardens in their buildings which balance the environment.
GURUKUL SYSTEMS: – We are very much thankful that the place where we were born had Gurukul systems. Our Gurukul systems teach us many lifelong lessons which are still helping us. Every student of Gurukul has to plant 1 Peepal tree, 1 Tamarind tree, 3 Amla tree and 5 Mango trees in their education session.
You will be surprised but One mango tree emits 271 tons of oxygen in its entire life and absorbs 81 tons of Carbon dioxide which is equal to 5 AC Carbon dioxide released when it’s turned on for 1000 hours consistently.
Heat waves are really concerning and threaten our country. We need to come together to get rid off from this national emergency.If we neglect the nature and the climate then we need to face the brutality of nature. Just remember one thing
“We are from nature.”
If there is no nature the survival of human race becomes complicated.